Get ready Sligo another Culture Night is upon us and of course ArtMart Studios is joining in. We are excreting our creative juices and having a fun house for the evening with plenty of interactive arty stuff. 

Sea Creatures Workshop 5.30pm - 7.30pm
Children between the age of 5 - 10yrs are invited to the studios and create fantastical creatures from the deep like octopus, sharks, jellyfish and mermaids. Workshop is free but booking is advised due to limited spaces.

To book contact Siabhra on 086 405 33 94.

Fun House 8.00pm - 10.30pm
The night isn't just for kids, well, little kids its also for you big kids out there who aren't afraid to be silly!

Movie Star Minute
With a variety of back drops, props, costumes and a video camera people will have the chance to act out a scene from their favourite film or just wing it and create something of you own for one minute. Clips will be put on our facebook page for you to look at.

Hero City
Here you will enter a metropolis full of skyscrapers in true comic book fashion but we want you to fill it with Super Hero's and Villains. Create your own Super Hero from our collection of cardboard Supermen & Wonder Women.  Choose from a variety of poses (standing, flying, punching) then colour and accessories your marvel creation and place him/her somewhere in Hero City.

The Painting Room
If the last two rooms weren't silly enough for you, maybe this just might be?
Stick on some overalls (we'll provide those) and go nuts in our painting room! Feel free to paint on the walls, the floor, even the ceiling if you can reach it! Paints, markers, crayons and other media will be available for you to create with.

The Sensory Room
In the dark realms of our sensory room, caress the questionable and mysterious lumps and bumps of the walls that will make you ponder, shudder and giggle.

We hope you enjoy Culture Night 2010 and pop in to see us.